Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Joseph as Yuya

this is incredibly interesting. the Semitic/Caucasian looking Mummy of Yuya - the Father-in-law of Amenhotep III - Grandpa to Tut-Ankh-Amun, could be the Biblical Joseph.
the famed Ramesses II (Moses's Brother) was a Pharaoh of the 19th dynasty and would have reigned at about 113 years after Joseph's life in Egypt (Joseph most likely died in his 60's).
they say Thutmose IV was a 'teenager' when he assumed the throne, Thutmose would have been the one to appoint Joseph/Yuya to his position and Yuya served in Thutmose's court. Thutmose's son Amenhotep married Yuya's daughter and made her the 'Great Royal Wife' - head queen. Amenhotep fathered Akhenaten who fathered Tut who had no children. Tut's unrelated successor was Ay who's unrelated successor was Horemhed the last king of the 18th dynasty. His unrelated successor was Ramesses I father of Seti I and his successor was his son Ramesses II Moses's Egyptian Brother. whew...that reads like the begats in the OT and the begats in the Iliad...

it isn't quite clear if Seti would have been Moses's adopted dad or if someone else was. the intermarriage and the successions of the Pharaohs are so mixed it would take a lot of work to sort out a probable Nile Princess - but she is biblically know as Thermuthis or Bithia.
Moses was most likely part of the 2nd generation of Hebrews in Egypt which places him perfectly along the timeline of Ramesses II's rule and it would make sense that the Pharaoh would have been Moses's Egyptian brother.

Ahmed Osman makes a great case for Joseph/Yuya but makes some embarrassing arguments for other biblical and Egyptian figures which makes him sound less then credible. it is very, very interesting and to me, as an archaeologist, it sounds very plausible - it would be interesting to run some DNA tests on Yuya.

you can view his fascinating argument here its absolutely worth the read.

to give Osman some credit MANY Archaeologist who came before him and who made amazing discoveries have also made nutty outlandish claims about those discoveries (just google Troy or Heinrich Schliemann) that have proven to be nothing but fantasy, inflated ego and wishful thinking...and faked evidence to boot. if these Archaeologists still have any credibility - and they still do, believe it or not - then we can at least give Osman's Joseph theory a chance and ignore his others.

as we speak theories we always thought were solid and proven about sites such as Qumran are being shown as nothing more then wishful thinking and who-ha. Archaeological theory changes all the time.

if Tut can die of Malaria and not murder as previously thought (and even believed to be proven by CAT scans...) then Yuya can be Osman's and my Biblical Joseph. I'll give him the time of day just like i would give it to Jacobovici.

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